CUL, T-S NS J 585

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T-S NS J 585

CUL (Cambridge, United Kingdom)


Inventory of the books of Abū Ghālib.

  • Book list
  • Book formats

Document Definition

Vertical rectangle


Content Description

Book list

  • Hebrew
  • Arabic
  • Judeo-Arabic


[...]  .1

2.  [جزو فيه تفسـ]ير אמר אל הכהנים

3.  كتاب فيه ספר האגרון ללפיומי

4.  كتاب فيه פסר אלנביאים כלה ופיה אלבעץׄׄ

5.  מן תפסיר תלים(!)  ודברי ימים מסתכׄרג

6.  מן כלאם יונתן בן עזיאל והו פי רק

7.  جزو فيه تفسير בהר סיני

8.  جزو فيه تفسير ויקרא

9.  جزو فيه סדר עולם ואבתדאה מאדם

10.  ועד המבול אלף ושש מאות חמשים ושש שנה

11.  جزو فيه ואלה המשפטים ואבתדאה

12.  רב ישמעאל אומר איל[ו] מוסיפים על

13.  העליונים

14.  جزو فيه تفسير אלצלואת ללפיומי ושי


15.  מן אללגה ושי מן אל[הנ]דסה ואבתדי

16.  אלתפסיר מנה יי שפתי תפתח

17.  ואבתדי אלתפסיר אלגׄזו אלתׄאני הלק (?)



[...]  .18

19.  الانتقام في الرد على كتاب [...]

20.  سعيد الفيومي ونسبه الى [...]

21.  بن فالوش الصيرفي كتاب الابصار الذي كان

22.  نقض به ابو الحسين بن ماشيح على كتاب

23.  التمييز للفيومي تصنيف الشيخ ابو الحسين

24.  داود بن سليمن

25.  جزو فيه تفسير וירא אליו יי

26.  كتاب فيه تفسير ספר דניאל

27.  جزو فيه تفسير השמים מס׳ ויענך יי

28.  جزو فيه تفسير

29.  فيه نصف تفسير איוב ללפיומי

30.  جزو لقبه كتاب العدد(!)  לשמואל הכהן גאון

31.  ואבתדי אלכלאם פי [...] פי חד אלמדה

32.  וחקיקתהא ואלמראד בהא


Notes on the left margin:

33.  הדׄא  שרח מא

34.  ראיתה מן אלכתב

35.  לאבי גאלב חרסה

36.  אללה


1.  […]

2.  (1) [a booklet] containing a commentary on parashat אמר אל הכהנים [Lev. 21:1-24:23];

3.  (2) a book containing Sefer ha-Egron by [Saadiah Gaon] al-Fayyūmī;

4.  (3) a book containing a whole commentary on Prophets, and it also contains some

5.  of a commentary on Psalms and Chronicles, an excerpt

6.  from the words of Jonathan b. ʿUzīʾel (i.e., Targum Pseudo-Jonathan), and it is on parchment;

7.  (4) a booklet containing a commentary on parashat בהר סיני [Lev. 25:1-26:2];

8.  (5) a booklet containing a commentary on Leviticus;

9.  (6) a booklet containing the Great Order of the World (i.e., Seder Olam Rabba), and it opens with “from Adam

10.  and to the flood 1656 years”;


11.  (7) a booklet containing parashatואלה המשפטים [Ex. 21:1-24:18], and it opens with

12.  “R. Yishmael says: "And these" — What follows is being added to what

13.  precedes” [i.e. the Mekhilta of Rabbi Ishmael 21:1]

14.  (8) a booklet containing a commentary on the Prayers (aṣ-ṣalawāt) by [Rav Saadiah Gaon] al-Fayyūmī and something

15.  about language [possibly his Book of Elegance of the Hebrew Language], and something about geometry, and the opening of

16.  the commentary on Psalms, including “Lord, open my lips” [Ps. 51:17],

17.  and the opening of the commentary the second part […]



18.  [ the Book of]

19.  (9) Revenge to the refutation of the book [ …]

20.  Saʿīd [Gaon] al-Fayyūmī and his relation to [… ]

21.  bin Fālūsh al-Ṣayrafī, (10) the Book of Discernment (kitāb al-ibṣār), with which

22.  Abū-l-Ḥusayn Ibn Māšīḥ has been refuting the Book of Distinction (kitāb

23.  at-tamyīz) by [Saadiah Gaon] al-Fayyūmī; (11) the composition of Shaykh Abū-l-Ḥusayn

24.  Dāwūd Ibn Sulaymān;

25.  (12) a booklet containing a commentary on parashat וירא אליו יי [Gen 18:1-22:24];

26.  (13) a booklet containing a commentary on the Book of Daniel;

27.  (14) a booklet containing a commentary on the Psalm 19השמים מספרים

 and Psalm 20 ויענך יי;

28.  a booklet containing a commentary

29.  (15) a booklet containing half of a commentary on Job by [Saadia Gaon] al-Fayyūmī;

30.  (16) a booklet, its title is the Book on the Period of Waiting to Remarry after a Woman is Widowed or Divorced (kitāb al-ʿIdda), by Samuel ha-Kohen Gaon,

31.  and it opens with the words “[…] in definition of the period

32.  and its truth and the intention with it”


Notes on the left margin:

33.  This is an elaboration of what

34.  I saw of the books

35.  of Abī Ghālib, may

36.  God protect him


11th Century CE

Physical Description

151 mm

87 mm


Fragment of a leaf/sheet

Top right corner is missing




Light brown

No pricking

No ruling

  • Text on recto and verso
  • Text in blocks on the page

Vertical writing

  • Paragraph marks and textual dividers
  • Additional symbols

Lines that separate textual blocks

  • Hebrew
  • Arabic



No vowels or accents

Dots above letters




  • Allony, Nehemya, 2006, The Jewish Library in the Middle Ages. Book Lists from the Cairo Genizah (in Hebrew), Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, pp. 8-10.

  • Allony, Nehemya, 1961, "Shalosh reshimot sefarim ʿatikot", Kiryat Sefer, 36, pp. 389-402; 517-524, pp. 389, note 3; 389-395; 397-398.

  • Link to the shelfmark entry in the Princeton Genizah Project database: T-S NS J 585


Item Images
T-S NS J 585 - recto
Located in: CUL (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
An image of the current object, e.g. a page in manuscript
T-S NS J 585 - verso
Located in: CUL (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
An image of the current object, e.g. a page in manuscript
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